Sunday, February 21, 2010

Google Wave

From what I can gather at this point, it seems that google wave just may be the future of emailing. However, I cannot see the change coming in too near a future. As a society we have a problem accepting change. I can't see enough interest to change the current status Que for at least 3 more years. The reality is that we have to learn how to use the programs that we have now before we change to a totally new system. I for instance, am still learning more things about email each year that make me more effective at teaching and communicating. I would rate myself as an above average technology user. Those can use Google wave are more than above average they understand the flow of thinking. I would guess the average user on any word processing or spreadsheet software uses about 40% of what is actually available. The average email person would probably have a hard time sending an attachment in an email. My parents don't even have a computer in their home. In my opinion Google Wave is the future but not right now.

Articles I read

Pro article

In this article you will find how the web has to used to meet the demands of a growing educational philosophy. "WBI can be used to meet the needs of a more diverse group of students"

Con article

In this article we learn a little something about reality. The reality being that even with the influx of new and innovative software we are still as educators unprepared to use it and to use it effectively.

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